Saturday, January 2, 2010

Welcome Members

Hello everyone,
and welcome to our new chatroom. I hope this new media will enhance our communication and coordination.
This chatroom is open to all members of Mason-Dixon Chapter, NARGS. Blogging is new to me and I hope that all of you will join me in exploring this new world.


  1. What an honor to be the 1st to sing up!! Ican't open the news letter with the new format, I'll call in my son!! Dick

  2. I'll see you at the next meeting on the 16th.
    I see I was singing in my last note

  3. We will introduce the blog to the members who come to the meeting on the 16th. Or at least try and hope it works!

  4. Okay, I'm the first one to comment since the meeting this afternoon. But how can we start new topics? We may need to set up team members so everyone can post.
